What To Look For In Your Next Employer
Well, if the research is right, which I am sure it is, then look no further than Google (and other similar employee-engagement award-winning companies). If you take a surf online, you will find that Google tops all the major ‘best companies to work for’ lists, and has done so consistently for half a dozen years. Is it because they are cool people to work for like all those other silicon valley players, or is it more than casual dress and healthy fruit options that makes the west coast creatives so successful in attracting and retaining staff? I would say so. Since serious, and ongoing, studies into employee engagement began 20+ years ago, issues around attracting and retaining top talent has been snowballing over the past couple of decades. With the millennial factor thrown in – the next generation of leaders, that are info junkies who must, and can, read every review online before even choosing a good coffee – there is suddenly a great emphasis on knowing what employee engagement options can be offered to you, the job hunter. Companies that offer these meaningful benefits are places where Early Adoptors and dynamic leaders reside – offering progressive, positive and supportive places of…