What To Look For In Your Next Employer

Well, if the research is right, which I am sure it is, then look no further than Google (and other similar employee-engagement award-winning companies). If you take a surf online, you will find that Google tops all the major ‘best companies to work for’ lists, and has done so consistently for half a dozen years. Is it because they are cool people to work for like all those other silicon valley players, or is it more than casual dress and healthy fruit options that makes the west coast creatives so successful in attracting and retaining staff? I would say so. Since serious, and ongoing, studies into employee engagement began 20+ years ago, issues around attracting and retaining top talent has been snowballing over the past couple of decades. With the millennial factor thrown in – the next generation of leaders, that are info junkies who must, and can, read every review online before even choosing a good coffee – there is suddenly a great emphasis on knowing what employee engagement options can be offered to you, the job hunter. Companies that offer these meaningful benefits are places where Early Adoptors and dynamic leaders reside – offering progressive, positive and supportive places of…

Meet Your Recruiters – Mia Hernandez Canto

Meet Mia our Senior Executive Recruiter! Mia has been with us for over 5 years and she has some insights based on the industry and her experience that she would love to share.       Tell us about your specialties, experience, or the industry you recruit for: I began my career in retail HR management over ten years ago. I fell in love with the “people” aspect of the job. I was responsible for hiring, training and developing staff. I currently partner with nonprofits to find the best fit in talent. I have successfully placed candidates in a variety of roles ranging from entry-level to Executive. I truly believe a successful placement is having the right candidate, in the right place, at the right time. Timing is everything when it comes to staffing. What makes you a unique recruiter? (i.e., why will a candidate want to work with you?): I try to be as transparent as possible with my candidates. I find that they appreciate my honesty and it allows for a more successful partnership. I try to get to know my candidates not just professionally, but also personally, in order to really find the position that is best suited for them.…

5 Tips to Help When Job Hunting

What are the best tactics when you are casually looking, or hunting aggressively, for a new job? Having moved to new cities before, I can appreciate the aches and pains that come with finding a new job. I also speak regularly to candidates who give me plenty of insight into their successes and shortfalls. Here are 5 tips to help the job hunting process easier on you… 1) Talk to people – break out your Rolodex, connect with old MySpace peeps, find school friends on Facebook, tweet some Instagram buddies, and see if they can assist you? It won’t matter the person, so look as you have a genuine connection and they would be someone that will champion you. If you are genuine in your approach, ask for their insight and support, they will most likely be responsive and put you in touch with other contacts or colleagues of theirs. People like to help. Just remember to show interest in them too and don’t make it one sided. 2) Be creative – ‘The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result’. Do some research before you start applying online, find unique lists of good…

What Are You Doing to Get Ahead?

Fall is here and many are going back to school, adults and children alike. This is often the same time of the year employers are getting back into the swing of things and planning ahead for their 2016, 2017, 2018 etc. Once people have topped up their tans, they inevitably start planning for changes or things they want to happen next year in their company. I wonder if you are thinking about how things could change in your career also? I have personally been inspired by those around me going back to study and questioned what my next personal goal is to improve. Perhaps I may begin a course. Forget new years resolutions, we all know the success rates of those in general. I believe we should constantly be thinking about up skilling, within your own workplace, through education, reading a book, watching a compelling documentary or speaking with mentors. Anything that could help you grow. Many of my clients refer to standout resumes as the ones with extra curricular achievements or studies. Not always, but I can tell you it is a lot. If you can show examples to a prospective employer, or your boss when looking for a promotion, about your interest in personal development, wanting to…

Keeping Things Simple

We all know that acronym KISS, right? Keep It Simple Stupid. In this high speed digital age of tweeting, blogging and mobile apps, we expect things quickly and efficiently. My experience tells me that employers and recruiters today have the same expectations when dealing with job hunters – getting information from them quickly and efficiently, as they are super busy like you and I. Based on this reality, largely created by the Millennial generation, most of us want things that are simple and easy to understand, such as; mobile friendly WebPages, short snapshots of news from social media feeds or a simplified food menu when eating out or ordering online, as Gordon Ramsay would always scream and shout about. Knowing that the world moves so fast, I would recommend that job hunters think about KISS to help get what they want. Here are my top two tips for today, based on recent interviews candidates have had with my clients: 1) When a connection, recruiter or a potential employee asks you a question about work you would like,  don’t confuse them by giving too many options – people will be more likely to remember you and offer you the opportunities you…