There’s no doubt that in 2021 and beyond, companies will continue to devote more attention and resources to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Unfortunately, many organizations still struggle to measure the impact of their strategies and communicate that impact to a growing number of stakeholders.
While many companies understand why they need to have a more diverse workforce, many aren’t sure how to make it happen. This partnership shares lessons to be learned for those looking to move from wanting to be more inclusive & diverse to actually hiring employees from diverse backgrounds.
Nonprofit organizations can be much more courageous in confronting racial and gender inequality. And, unless nonprofits lead the way to equity, according to initiatives such as Race to Lead ,Report the Abuse, and Humanitarian Women’s Network, they have a role in perpetuating societal inequalities.
Inequities in nonprofit pay and leadership opportunities are subtle and entrenched. The pandemic could make things worse—or be a chance for real change.
The journey toward greater diversity, equity, and inclusion has no fixed endpoint, but here are a few places to start.
The nonprofit workforce is the third largest of U.S. industries and at last count, this included over 93,000 trade and professional associations employing over 1.2 million people.
The American Association of University Women (AAUW), headquartered in Washington, DC, is the nation’s leading voice promoting equity and education for women and girls. The organization fights to end wage discrimination and open doors for women in the workplace.
Creating, supporting, and sustaining an inclusive, equitable work culture where all staff members are comfortable and effective (no matter employee/volunteer background or experience level) is imperative for organizational success.
The world of philanthropy is having its reckoning when it comes to equity, and the time couldn’t have come soon enough. Across the country, organizations are seeking to be more thoughtful about how they approach the communities they serve and take steps to embed equity into their work.
As associations welcome an increasingly diverse membership into the fold, the way they communicate is crucial. This is why many organizations are adopting more inclusive language that better reflects the whole community.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) as an organizational and membership strategy is a priority for many associations today.
Diversity Wins: How Inclusion Matters®
from McKinsey & Company
Nonprofit Diversity Efforts: Current Practices and the Role of Foundations from The Center for Effective Philanthropy
The State of Diversity in Nonprofit and Foundation Leadership from BattaliaWinston
The Influence of Board Diversity, Board Diversity Policies and Practices, and Board Inclusion Behaviors on Nonprofit Governance Practices from University of Washington Tacoma
Race in the Workplace: The Black Experience in the US Private Sector from McKinsey & Company
Recruiting for a Diverse, Multicultural Team
An Introductory Executive Action Blueprint for Nonprofits
Building Belonging: 5 D&I tactics That Make a Real Impact
Developed by Oracle and HR Dive
Race Equity and Inclusion Action Guide
Developed by the Annie E. Casey Foundation
Disability Employment First Planning Tool
Developed by RespectAbility, Best Buddies, NACDD, NCIL, PVA, and NOD
From Words to Action: A Practical Philanthropic Guide to DEI from GrantCraft author Barbara Chow