Resources for Nonprofits
The New Normal:
Nonprofit Staffing During the Pandemic

The New Normal:
Nonprofit Staffing During the Pandemic
COVID-19 is reshaping nonprofits nationwide, particularly in staff management. Driven by urgency and necessity, organizations are exploring and implementing staffing strategies for survival, recovery, renewal, and growth.
The New Normal: Nonprofit Staffing During the Pandemic examines how nonprofits are dealing with staffing issues as they head into and through year end. The Executive Report highlights changes in the workplace, staff management, payroll, and planning in the face of uncertainty.
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Keeping Your Best:
The Importance of Retention in Building a Great Staff

Keeping Your Best:
The Importance of Retention in Building a Great Staff
The cost of staff turnover is high. The cost of long-term vacancies is even higher. As competition for talent in the nonprofit sector intensifies and the trend in vacancies continues to rise, organizations are finding that hiring and retaining staff is becoming more difficult.
Keeping Your Best: The Importance of Retention in Building a Great Staff looks at staff vacancies and the impact on mission, why staff leave, and areas of greatest challenge. Ten strategies to retain staff and avoid turnover are offered to help your organization hire, support and retain great employees.
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Competitive Compensation for Development Professionals
Essential Strategies for Recruiting & Retaining Development Staff

Competitive Compensation for Development Professionals
Essential Strategies for Recruiting & Retaining Development Staff
The nonprofit sector continues to experience a strong and steady demand for services. To meet this demand, organizations must be able to recruit, hire, and retain the right staff. With few exceptions, no hire is more important to a nonprofit than the individuals tasked with fundraising. Over 69% of nonprofits recently surveyed see Development Staff as their greatest need.
Competitive Compensation for Development Professionals is a quick, insightful read providing hiring guidelines and salary ranges that are necessary to stay competitive in the chase for great Development talent. NYC Nonprofit Salary Ranges for Fundraising & Development Staff are included, based on organization budget size.
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Recruiting for a Diverse, Multicultural Team An Introductory Executive Action Blueprint for Nonprofits

The Competitive Talent Series
Recruiting for a Diverse, Multicultural Team
An Introductory Executive Action Blueprint for Nonprofits
No one wants to believe that they or their company has bias, especially nonprofit organizations who purpose is to do social good. But, it happens. Conscious or unconscious bias reduces your openness to people who are different from you, and in turn, can dramatically affect your hiring process.
Diversity in staffing is not only the right thing to do, it’s strategically important to your organization’s mission. The competition for talent is fierce. If you aren’t building a diverse, multicultural staff, you’re losing a competitive advantage. Candidates not only consider diversity when deciding where to work, they want to see the organization’s commitment when deciding whether to stay.
This Executive Action Blueprint introduces you to 7 steps that your nonprofit can implement immediately to create more equitable workplace hiring practices.
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What Makes a ‘Good Job’, Good? What Employees Want from Nonprofit Employers

The Talent Management Series
What Makes a ‘Good Job’, Good?
What Employees Want from Nonprofit Employers
What Makes a ‘Good Job’, Good? reviews what matters most to present and prospective employees of nonprofit organizations.
The report looks at what is considered essential in a job—that is, what factors are not only ranked as important, but without which an employee would not want to accept or stay in a job, and the perceived gaps between what is sought and what is found.
Based on a study conducted early 2017, the report provides information that helps nonprofit leaders develop strategies, policies, and practices that facilitate engagement and productivity.
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The Changing Role of Temps in Nonprofit Staffing

The Competitive Market Series
The Changing Role of Temps in Nonprofit Staffing
The Changing Role of Temps in Nonprofit Staffing explores the new role that temporary staff is playing in today’s nonprofit workplace.
Nonprofit organizations are increasingly utilizing temp and contract workers to fill not only temporary vacancies, but to accomplish short term projects, high impact needs, and more.
This report reviews staffing trends and changing expectations for temporary staffing. It helps executives rethink hiring strategies and provides actionable ideas to develop talented, successful nonprofit teams.
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How Millennials are Pushing Nonprofits to Change

The Competitive Market Series
How Millennials Are Pushing Nonprofits to Change
How Millennials Are Pushing Nonprofits to Change identifies how the workplace is changing as Millennials comprise an increasing segment of the nonprofit workforce.
This report provides recommendations for executives to rethink how to recruit, interview and negotiate benefits to attract and retain an ‘A’ team. Based on industry research and findings from PNP’s 2015-2016 Nonprofit Salaries & Staffing Trends report, it provides an executive blueprint for easy-to-implement changes that can attract and retain millennial talent in nonprofit organizations.
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Trends Affecting Nonprofit Hiring

The Competitive Market Series
Trends Affecting Nonprofit Hiring
Recruiting and retaining top talent is one of the most critical tasks for nonprofit executives.
Trends Affecting Nonprofit Hiring, PNP’s new informational report, identifies hiring issues and challenges in an increasingly competitive talent marketplace.
In addition, it provides an executive blueprint for how to address hiring and retention issues with practical and flexible solutions for talent acquisition and management.