What Are You Doing to Get Ahead?

Fall is here and many are going back to school, adults and children alike. This is often the same time of the year employers are getting back into the swing of things and planning ahead for their 2016, 2017, 2018 etc.

Once people have topped up their tans, they inevitably start planning for changes or things they want to happen next year in their company. I wonder if you are thinking about how things could change in your career also?

I have personally been inspired by those around me going back to study and questioned what my next personal goal is to improve. Perhaps I may begin a course.

Forget new years resolutions, we all know the success rates of those in general. I believe we should constantly be thinking about up skilling, within your own workplace, through education, reading a book, watching a compelling documentary or speaking with mentors. Anything that could help you grow.

Many of my clients refer to standout resumes as the ones with extra curricular achievements or studies. Not always, but I can tell you it is a lot.

If you can show examples to a prospective employer, or your boss when looking for a promotion, about your interest in personal development, wanting to better your ability as a communicator, leader or skilled technician of some sorts, you will no doubt be more appealing to them than someone who has stood still for the past few years.

Most successful leaders will often talk about moving forward, adapting, challenging yourself, learning new technology etc. in order to be successful in your career, and ultimately fulfilled in your life.

Is now the time to start thinking about what you can do next to help yourself, develop your skills, get ahead in your career? I reckon it is as good a time as ever. Even though the sun is shining and there are plenty of cocktails still to be drunk, perhaps a good book in the park could be a start. It is like starting to jog in the summer when the weather is nice – how many people stop when it gets cold?

Maybe start studying in the summer and jogging in the winter, then see how you feel as the seasons change once your habits are firmly in place.

Developing and learning skills isn’t for everyone.

Although, perhaps you could ask yourself what your goals are for the next year, and whether you would feel good about achieving something, big or small.


-Tom Wright twright@pnpsgolivestg.wpengine.com

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