Nonprofit Salary Report and Nonprofit Staffing Trends

PNP’s NonProfit Salaries and Staffing Trends Report reflects a positive and aggressive hiring outlook for nonprofits. For the second year in a row, program growth is the primary reason for anticipated staff increases in 2018, followed by turnover and replacing retirees.

80% of respondents said they plan to recruit new staff in 2018, as compared to 57% who reported that they added staff in 2017. Issues overwhelmingly revolved around the importance of recruiting and keeping good people who can successfully deliver services and mission. A majority of respondents noted that they would prefer to stretch their organization’s budget to hire a more experienced, high performance employee, rather than hire a competent worker with less experience but stay within budget.

A significant finding in this year’s survey is that, more than ever, senior executive management positions in nonprofits are filled by women.

PNP’s CEO Gayle Brandel notes that the survey also reflects “a growing presence of Millennials in leadership roles, with around half of the respondents reporting that Millennials now hold senior leadership positions.”

The survey shows that several essential best practices are critical for nonprofits to be successful in finding and keeping talented staff in a competitive market. Eight best practices are identified as essential both by candidates and by employers in making an organization a “go to” place to work.

More than 1,500 nonprofit organizations participated in the salary survey. Salaries for 44 positions are reflected for five different organizational budget sizes. Reports are produced for the New York City area, Washington DC area, and Philadelphia area nonprofits and associations.

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