Fatigue and burnout: A few tips to guide you through the fog
Do you feel tired? Stressed? Don’t have the energy you used to? Don’t worry. This isn’t a pharmaceutical ad, but I do have a prescription that can help. If you’re like me, you’ve been dealing with two very real conditions in the last 18 months or so: fatigue and burnout. And—no surprise—it’s all connected to the pandemic. The American Medical Association has acknowledged that the COVID-19 pandemic and all the changes it has brought along have caused us to feel increasingly isolated—and it’s taking a toll on our mental health. “Even if you’re getting eight hours [of sleep], you just feel like you’re dragging through the day and it’s hard to find the pearls in the mud,” Dr. Carl Lambert told the AMA. As I’ve talked with friends, colleagues and clients in the last few months, I’ve been gathering up some of the best bits of advice for navigating this fog we find ourselves in. And I’m here to share a few of those pearls of wisdom with you. Before we dig in, though, it’s important to remember how we got to this point. The way I see it is we’ve been through two segments of the pandemic now. At first, we were suddenly thrust into a new world of working…