Even Super Woman Took an Occasional Break
It’s that time of year when the thought of vacation tantalizes even the most avid workaholics among us. Don’t be tempted to put off vacation or worse yet, to take a vacation that really isn’t a vacation because you are taking calls and answering emails. Good executive leaders know that time away from the office isn’t a luxury you can’t afford—it’s a requirement to doing your job better. Not only that, it helps your team grow. So let’s revisit Kadi McDonald’s top five reasons for why you should take a vacation. After all, it does get exhausting saving the world day after day. 1. Your team needs you to take a break. In stressful or high-demand work environments, it can sometimes become overwhelming to have to present to a manager all the time. When you’re not there, this gives your team some time to focus. Not only that, it gives them a confidence boost that they’re able to hold down the fort when you’re not around. 2. Your brain will work much better if you give it some time to clear. Full time employment is stressful. And that’s not even including what it takes to be a functioning human being…