What Do Employees Want From Their Job?

Happy employees are more productive, remain longer with the organization, and serve as your brand ambassadors. Creating a healthy workplace environment and nurturing staff should be at the top of management’s to-do list.

Over 80% of the nonprofits surveyed for PNP’s 2016-2017 Nonprofit Salaries, Staffing & Trends Report acknowledge that they are purposefully addressing internal issues of overall job satisfaction. In answer to the question, ‘How would you rate the current job satisfaction level of our non-executive staff?’ a majority of 2016 respondents noted a need for internal improvement. Job satisfaction has become an increasingly important issue for staff recruitment and retention. So what can you do to make your organization a great place to work?

  • Offer flexible work hours. Flex hours help staff balance work and personal life, and demonstrate trust in your team.
  • Provide a career pathway. The best organizations to work for provide coaching, career development, education and networking opportunities to help individuals grow.
  • Encourage new ways of doing things. Create an environment where employees are encouraged to take responsible risks. If you want your team to accomplish great things, you have to give them permission to fail as well.
  • Be a great boss. Help your employees apply their talent and to stretch their skills. Be clear when setting goals and how performance will be measured.
  • Recognize everyone. Acknowledge individual achievements and contributions to the cumulative goals and reputation of the organization.
  • Encourage vacations. Nonprofit staff and management are notorious for not taking time-off. Everyone needs some time for the brain to clear. Getting out of the office provides space and time to think.
  • Deliver on values. Build policies and make decisions that are respectful to employees and customers. Be fair with every stakeholder because, honestly, no one likes being thrown under the bus.
  • Ask for feedback and really listen to what you hear. Employees want to know that their opinion is heard and that they have a role in shaping decisions.
  • Offer competitive salaries and perks. The best employees have a choice where they work. Competition is at an all-time high for skilled nonprofit talent. If you aren’t rewarding your staff with competitive pay, someone else will. Employees also appreciate benefits beyond the basics, such as time to attend conferences, expanded health benefits, and the ability to work from home.

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