4 Ways to Show Your Boss that You Love Your Job
1. Show appreciation. There’s nothing wrong with thanking the boss for the opportunity to work with the company, or providing input on the organization. Most employers appreciate feedback about the company’s culture and welcome suggestions for how to improve. 2. Ask how you can help. The #1 complaint that marriage counselors hear is, “she/he should do (whatever) without me having to ask”. Oddly enough, this translates into the workplace too. Don’t wait around waiting to be told what to do. Better yet, bring a solution to a problem that you’ve identified. A well-timed offer can do wonders for your career, and, it lets the boss know that you have the organization’s best interest at heart. 3. Conduct your own performance review. Honestly evaluating your own job performance speaks volumes about your work ethic and aspirations. It also shows that you care about your impact and role within the company. 4. Say good things about the company. Employees are the best brand ambassadors a company can have. Share positive experiences when networking, and if you are in a position to refer business into the company, do it.